Lake Sagamore Outflow |
Seems like I have spent more time clearing snow here on Wellesley Island than painting, plus we have not had a day above freezing with sunshine suitable for painting outdoors. Guess some plein air painters would call me a whimp. So my thoughts are of fonder days in the recent past. Here is a painting done with a painting knife while at the September 2013 NY Plein Air Painters Retreat at Great Camp Sagamore (left to us by Rockefeller) . Below is a pic of me painting this scene, taken by Bob Fairman, spouse of Mariilyn Fairman, who organized the event. Bob had the task of capturing candid photos of all the artists.
My rain gear was more for rain drops blowing off the trees from a previous shower. I use water
Painting Lake Sagamore Outflow |
soluble oils so I have to keep rain drops off the canvas, else the paint runs. (For the non artist you don't mix water with the oils to paint, it is just that the binder used for the pigments allows cleanup up of brushes and yourself with water rather than toxic solvents.They dry like traditional oils.)
My room at Great Camp Sagamore |
If you look close enough you can see a plastic yogurt container to the left of and below the paint box. I fashioned a coat hanger (snipped and bent) to hang it with my water supply for swishing brushes clean during and after a painting session. I have used it for the last five years.
Below is a pic of my very comfortable room to crash in after a hard day's painting and a couple of wines in the main lodge room talking about painting with the other artists.
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